30 May 216, Mr. Daniel Bellefleur and Mr. Antonio Sequeros, researchers from Tractus Asia Ltd., interviewed the director of Cooperative Academic Institute about Development of Value Chain in Agricultural Product research project welcomed by the director and institute’s committee at Information Technology meeting room, Research and Development building, Kasetsart University.


Mr.Daniel Bellefleur and Mr.Antonio Sequeros are researchers of Value Chain Connection in ASEAN under Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs which study the way to connect value chain between Asia and Latin America. There were researches indicated that Cooperative Academic Institute owned deep researches about Value Chain Development in Agricultural Product thus the two researchers visited for the interview. The focused topics are: 1.) How to connect value chain between SMEs and OTOP? Also, what is the key to success? 2.) How much the institute emphasize on Global Value Chain?


Vice Professor Jutathip Pattrawat, director of Cooperative Academic Institute, and Vice Prof. Dr. Saroj Angsumalin, institute’s committee, narrated about the result of Virtue Rice Value Chain and Farmer Shop Business Model, also, information about Value Chain Development in Agriculturist Group and key factors for Global Value Chain Devlopment.


There were notices from the Cooperative Academic Institute that: How Thailand would take action in development plan enhancing competitive capability in agricultural business? How would Thailand, as the exporter country, turn policy into active strategy in Single Market Development in ASEAN? There were also notices that Japan has given full support by pinpoint Indonesia as ASEAN’s center which would be base for researches, projects, and development. The Cooperative Academic Institute will keep reporting progresses on institute’s web site.
